Turns out, The Fountain House isn't harmless. Before I get into it, I know what you're thinking. I moved to New York five months ago and I can only blog about the loony bin down the street. Fair. I'll work on that.
Anyways, we live in a basement apartment. Over the summer, we had a serious issue with a serious leak. After witholding our rent, we got the response we were looking for and it was fixed. Let's just say I've been less than impressed with NYC Supers. Well, specifically, just mine.
I came back from Philly on Sunday to the renewed leak. This time, it's dripping through the light that's connected to the light in my room. So when I flip my switch, both lights turn on. Fearing an electrical fire (even more so since I cancelled my renter's insurance policy, yikes!), I've had to keep the light in my room OFF all week.
Fear not, I other lamps scattered around my room because I live in a cave. But still, this is seriously irritating.
Finally after threatening that electric fire, our super comes down to tell us it's caused by a leaky AC unit THREE floors up.
And the kicker?
They're overflow from the Fountain House. Their rent is paid for by the city. The AC unit is broken, but they can't afford a new one. The bottom line: the super's not doing anything about it.
Hopefully I'm not crazy, and you all are going "WHAT?!? How is that possible? The super can't tell a tenant to remove something thats causing structural damage to the building and negatively affecting other tenants?!"
Like I alluded to, our super's IQ is on par with the loony tunes inhabiting the 3rd floor.
And as if I have to mention, it's FALL. Get rid of the damned the AC unit that's gonna give me seasonal depression from lack of light.
Thanks for letting me vent. We're taking matters into our own hands. No, that (probably) doesn't mean breaking and entering or assaulting the mentally insane.